From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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Intel hardware demo

Intel hardware demo

- [Instructor] Now that we're ready to download the coding to the board, we have to connect the board to a USB port. You'll notice the factory demo application running on the board, which has all of the displaced counting up. So now in quarters I will select the program device task. This opens the programmer, and this is a special application where you can download this code. It's as simple as pressing this start button. Now if you look at the board, you will see that we have four zero's being displayed. Those are the four displaced that we activated in our application. Now let me turn on some switches, let's say we want to add one plus two. As you can see we have one, two, zero, three, that means one plus two equals three. Let's see another example. Let's say six plus six equals c, Let's say six plus six equals c, that is six plus six equals 12. And now let's see an addition that sets the carry bit. For example, 12 that is c, plus 10, that is a equals 16. 12 that is c, plus 10, that…
