From the course: Learning Design Thinking

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- In product design, there always seems to be too little time. Not enough time to tackle the big problems, only enough to hopefully tackle the bulk of the smaller ones. We may think that design thinking will simply identify more things to be fixed, create even more ideas, and we could be right. But what if I were to tell you that an inherent part of design thinking gives us the key to understand what we should be working on most? That's right, and the key to this prioritization lies in the understanding of the problems they are having and why, the problem space. By having a deep understanding of the problems our customers are facing, we know which ones cause the most trouble, and we know which ones have the most value for us to address. We are able to categorize them according to the level of trouble they are causing and the value relieving them could provide. We can then use these two data points to determine if all…
