From the course: Learning Design Thinking

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- Implementation of a product may seem like an odd place for design thinking to add real value. After all, how would design thinking relate to the construction of what has already been designed? Let's say there are performing some renovations to where you live, for fun let's say it is a big reno and you're excited about how it will improve your life. Your kitchen will be updated completely as part of the overall project, you approve the designs after a few small adjustments and they start sending the contractors out. The contractors look at the plan and begin construction. However, they run into some supply issues which then has a dominal effect on the other contractors like the plumbers and electricians. They end up making adjustments to the appliances size and type, this then affects the cabinets, so some cabinets are smaller while others have drawers and doors that are too close to one another and ended up being hard to…
