From the course: Learning Design Research

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Evaluate the design research process

Evaluate the design research process

From the course: Learning Design Research

Evaluate the design research process

- A commonly overlooked, yet equally important step in the design research process is evaluating the actual process itself. It can be tempting to leave a project once you've designed a successful solution. However, it's important to take a step back, review your overall research process, and discuss what worked well and what didn't. This will help you to discover opportunities for other projects, and it will also highlight areas for improvement in your process and your final outcome. In the previous videos, we've shared some strategies that can help you through this evaluation stage. The Big6 information literacy model requires two kinds of evaluation, judge the effectiveness of your products and the efficiency of your process. So let's look at assessing our end product. The simple idea here is to look back at your initial criteria and check to see whether or not your final solution has met them. Let's use a scenario we've…
