From the course: Learning Design Research

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Ethnographic research

Ethnographic research

- In this movie, we're going to discuss a research method called ethnography. Ethnography is used to understand the connection between human behavior and culture, such as how do people behave in a given environment. Let's consider people and environment for a moment. What we're talking about here is context. A particular group of people connected together by a shared social, cultural, or environmental experience. Now this could be mechanics in a garage, teachers in a classroom, senior citizens at an ATM machine, runners in a marathon, or young students using the internet at school. These are all specific contexts that ethnography can help study. Ethnography is a qualitative research method that relies on the researcher to put him or herself in the mindset of the user and the context being studied. Think about the people closest to you for a minute. They might be your friends, family, coworkers. And think about all their…
