From the course: Learning Design Research

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Advice for performing research

Advice for performing research

From the course: Learning Design Research

Advice for performing research

- Throughout this chapter, we've discussed a variety of tools that you can use when conducting research. Hopefully you're able to understand what they are, when they're best used, and how to apply them in your research work. As you're starting to figure out, conducting any type of research can become an overwhelming task. There are many different methods and tools to choose from, and sometimes figuring out where to begin can be quite difficult. Don't worry, it takes time and patience to become a comfortable researcher and to realize which tools best fit your process. Along the way, I've also learned my strengths and weaknesses. For instance, I'm not terribly good at conducting interviews. I don't enjoy approaching random people, and I've never really felt comfortable with the process, so I try to take a partner with me who's much more outgoing than I am. They start the conversation, and I follow up with some…
