From the course: Learning Craft Photography

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Using depth of field

Using depth of field

I recently made some crafts for some of my girlfriends. I made them little heart-shaped pins, and before I mailed them out, I wanted to take a photograph of them. So I took them outside, I put them on a nice piece of Ribbon, and I found a pretty background that I could set them on. I took several photographs of these pins, in the exact same location, with the exact same lighting situations, the only thing I changed was the aperture. And when I got back inside, and downloaded these photographs to my computer, I noticed some very different things going on, in the photos. First of all, when I looked at this photograph, I was admiring my handwork, I was looking at the bright colors of the pens, thinking about which pen I'd give to which friend. I was really happy with the way it looked, the composition and just the craft itself. I was pretty pleased. When I look at this photograph, I couldn't help but think that I needed to invest in some kind of pest control for my orange tree because I…
