From the course: Learning Cisco CLI Switch Configuration

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Switch port security

Switch port security

- [Instructor] A best approach to securing a switch is to apply Port Security. This is a way to limit which device can connect to a switch on a given port. One approach is to manually configure the MAC address for the directly connected device. Another approach is to automatically or allow the switch to automatically learn the MAC address of the directly connected network host, via the incoming frame. And then to permanently assign that address to the switchport. This approach to security is often called sticky. The switchport can also be configured for how many MAC addresses that will permanently assign to the port. And can also be configured to shut down if there is a security violation. I'm now going to demonstrate how to configure port security on the west switch. I'm going to click on the west switch, that brings up the command line interface. I'm going to go ahead and type configure from the terminal. I'm then going…
