From the course: Learning Cisco CLI Switch Configuration

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Encrypt passwords

Encrypt passwords

- [Instructor] By default, the Cisco IOS will display all of the passwords except the enable secret password in clear text. Let me show you that now. I'm going to go ahead and click on the west switch, expand the window, hit enter, password is console0, ena, password is secret1. I'm going to do a show run, and you can see that the enable secret password is encrypted, the enable password1 is not. Hit the space bar, space bar. You can see that the line console password is not encrypted, it's clear text as are all of the vty passwords. A best practice is to encrypt all of the passwords, so that they are not displayed in clear text in the output of the show run command. I'm going to demonstrate how to do this now. Config, from the terminal, the command is service password, I'm going to hit the tab key, service password-encryption. I hit the enter, and that tells the switch to encrypt all of the passwords that it has…
