From the course: Learning Cisco CLI Switch Configuration

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Assign an IP address to a switch

Assign an IP address to a switch

- [Narrator] As you may already know, switches base their forwarding decisions on Mac addresses. This means they build switching tables that associate or match an incoming Mac address from a local host to the port that traffic came in through. You can display the Mac address table by issuing the show Mac address table command. I'm going to demonstrate that now. Show Mac dash, I'm going to use the Tab key, address table. You can see from the output of this show command that the switch has learned about one device attached to the F0/1 port, that's west host two, and its Mac address is displayed in the table. That's the Mac address that is on the network card of that host. Hosts on a network, however, also need an IP address so that they can send and receive packets to remote networks. Since a switch is considered a network host, it should also be assigned an IP address. That way we can manage the switch remotely and…
