From the course: Learning C#

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- [Instructor] So far, we've seen how to declare variables and we've learned about some basic data types in C-sharp along with some basic C-sharp statements in tax. So now let's take a look at some of the common operators that your program uses to operate on data. So here in the start folder, in the overview and operators folder, I'm going to click on the program file, and let's have some more room there. So I've already created a few variables here. So I've got some integers and a couple strings and we'll use these to try out some operations. So as you might expect, the basic math operators like addition, subtraction, and so on are available. So let's try those out first. I'm going to print the results of a math statement. So I'll just do X divided by Y times X. And in fact, you could even do some operations like addition for example, on strings. So I'll do the same thing (keyboard typing) What I'm going to to write here…
