From the course: Learning C#

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From the course: Learning C#

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- [Joe] Well all right, congratulations on completing this course. I hope you enjoyed learning along with me about the features of the C# programming language. And of course, we've only scratched the surface of what C# can do and I encourage you to investigate some of the other great C# and .NET related content here. So I have a few suggestions on where you might want to go next to continue learning about C#. Visual Studio is Microsoft's official development tool for working with C# and .NET, so check out the Visual Studio Essential Training series for an in-depth look at this great IDE. To learn more about some of the more advanced C# language features, check out the C# Collections, C# Interfaces and Generics, and C# Events, Delegates, and Lambdas courses. And finally, if you're looking to use C# on the web or on mobile devices, take a look at the ASP.NET and Xamarin related courses. C# is one of my favorite languages…
