From the course: Learning Apache Airflow

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Python operators and dependencies

Python operators and dependencies - Apache Airflow Tutorial

From the course: Learning Apache Airflow

Python operators and dependencies

- [Narrator] Now in this movie, we'll see that dependencies with Python operators work exactly like dependencies with pash operators. In fact, dependencies work the same way with all operators that you use to specify tasks. In this particular DAG we'll be creating multiple Python operators. Once again, on line eight, I have an import for the Python operator and I have four different Python functions defined on lines 14 through 25. The functions are called task A, B, C, and D. And within each function we have a simple Python print statement indicating that the task has been executed. These are the four callables that our Python operators will invoke. Let's instantiate the DAG in exactly the same way as before. Nothing interesting there. I've instantiated four different tasks using the Python operator tasks, A, B, C, and D. Each task has its own unique task ID and each task takes in a Python callable as an input argument.…
