From the course: Learning Apache Airflow

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Introducing XCom

Introducing XCom

- [Instructor] So far, all of our tasks in our DAGs built using either the Bash operator or the Python operator have been running in isolation. Each task kind of does its own thing. The task is not actually performing an operation and returning a value, and the task is not really accepting a value from another task. Well, that's pretty important if you want to build a real-world pipeline, as we shall do in a demo that follows shortly. But before we get to any realistic example with task flow, we need to understand how tasks can communicate, and that's where XCom comes in. XCom stands for cross-communication, and it's an Airflow feature that allows tasks to exchange messages, or cross-communicate, with each other. The XCom mechanism is great for sharing small amounts of data between tasks, data such as status updates, metadata, or output values. Now, in this course, I won't show you all of the different ways in which you…
