From the course: Leadership Strategies for Women

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- Inclusive excellence is the recipe for success in today's global climate. Organizations that make an effort to support women and address barriers to advancement will be the ones that reap the benefits of diverse teams. - [Instructor In Pink] The key is to structure your team to value both male and female contributions. Now that you understand the ways that men and women can misunderstand each other, take a look at your workplace with fresh eyes. Where are masculine ways of thinking prioritized? Where are women's messages being diminished? - For the women in our audience, we hope you're more confident that the perspective you bring to work is important. You shouldn't have to act like a man to succeed. Use the strategies and insights we've provided to present your ideas strongly and make your insights heard. - For the men watching, we hope you realize that we view you as allies, not the enemy. We want people to work together to make their products, services, and organizations better…
