From the course: Leadership Foundations

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Influencing others

Influencing others

- Every day we are influencing and persuading others to do something. Knowing how to get someone on board with an idea or to do something that they may not want to or haven't considered doing, requires you to be savvy, persuasive, creative, and flexible. I'm constantly influencing. Getting leaders to commit to new strategies and processes, convincing clients to renew service contracts, getting staff to embrace new changes, and encouraging my mentees to act on their goals. Pause the video here and reflect about the last time that you influenced someone to do something. How did you go about it? What was the result? (upbeat music) Recently I was coaching an executive to be more vulnerable and authentic with his team. So I asked him to share his cultural upbringing and how it shaped the way that he saw the world and his leadership style. He was quite uncomfortable because he felt that it was too personal. Speaking of…
