From the course: Leadership Foundations

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Demonstrating emotional intelligence

Demonstrating emotional intelligence

From the course: Leadership Foundations

Demonstrating emotional intelligence

- How good are you at dealing with feelings of anger, stress, sadness, frustration, or fatigue? If someone is upset in your office, how comfortable are they at coming to you to share why? How do you respond? How effective are you at giving praise and recognition without reservation? These are a few questions for your consideration when talking about emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence, sometimes, called emotional quotient, or EQ, is the ability to recognize, regulate and convey your own emotions, and to conduct interpersonal relationships with awareness and empathy of another's emotional state. Becoming more emotionally conscious allows us to grow and gain a deeper understanding of who we are, enabling us to communicate better with others and build stronger relationships. According to Daniel Goldman, an American psychologist, who help popularize the term emotional intelligence, has five components. Number…
