From the course: L&D Basics: Getting Your Strategy Up and Running

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Gathering feedback and iterating

Gathering feedback and iterating

- An organization's needs are constantly evolving, especially when new talent joins the team. But it's important to acknowledge that not all training programs will address every need right from the start. That's why feedback can help shape and refine these programs to better match the evolving needs of your organization. In this lesson, I'll show you how to collect feedback unearth precious insights, and weave them into your programs. When employees feel safe and encouraged to share their feedback, you can gain access to valuable insights about what's working, what needs to change, and what should be discarded altogether. A great way to gather feedback is through structured surveys after company-wide programs. Think of surveys as puzzle pieces filled with valuable information. By asking the right questions, you'll discover hidden insights that will help you make your programs even better. And don't be afraid to lean into the power of getting individual feedback. Encouraging your team…
