From the course: JSON Essential Training

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Understand objects in programming

Understand objects in programming - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JSON Essential Training

Understand objects in programming

- [Instructor] The acronym JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. The JavaScript part of that name is pretty straightforward. JavaScript is the programming language whose syntax forms the basis of JSON syntax, however, you don't need to know the JavaScript programming language in order to use JSON. The N, for Notation, is pretty self-explanatory. Notation is just another way of saying that this is a way of presenting information with its own format and rules. But what is the O mean, Object? In this case, it's not a common sense of object, meaning just a thing. The word Object, in JavaScript Object Notation, references a technical meaning of the word object. In JavaScript, like in other programming languages, an object is a collection of data that's similar to a list. An object contains key value pairs where the key is a label that can describe the data, and the value is the data you're storing. For instance, suppose…
