From the course: Job Search Strategies

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Setting up job search agents

Setting up job search agents

From the course: Job Search Strategies

Setting up job search agents

When filling a job vacancy, employers want a get diverse pool of qualified candidates and they often turn to online job boards to do so. There are literally thousands available, and it can be hard to determine which is the best option for you. So how do you decide which ones are right for you? To begin, you need to think about where the employer will get the most highly qualified pool of candidates. The first place employers will post is on their own site. In fact, if they're a well-known company, this maybe the only place that they post as they expect candidates to come directly to them. Make a list of organizations that interest you so that you can check their web sites for a career section. If you need help researching specific organizations and industries, check out my course, Managing Your Career, here on the online training library. The next best sources are professional associations, industry journals, or specialty sites related to your area of interest. HR professionals turn…
