From the course: Job Search Strategies

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Maintaining the relationship

Maintaining the relationship

From the course: Job Search Strategies

Maintaining the relationship

Once you've interviewed potential recruiters to assist you in future searches, how do you'd maintain contact so that they are available when you need them? First, help them. Recommend people in your network that would be a good fit for any of their current searches that aren't a fit for you. You're providing them with a valuable resource: leads. This is how they earn their salaries, so you can be helpful for them now, they're more likely to think of you in the future. Second, you want to make sure you are presenting yourself as a highly qualified candidate. You can send trends and updates in your industry. You never know, these may be potential leads for them to obtain new search. Third, you want to send them any professional updates about you. If you have recently won an award or have gotten a promotion, this will keep you on their radar screen as a highly qualified candidate. So how often do you contact them? If you are currently in a job search then I recommend you contact them…
