From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Challenge intro: Create elements

Challenge intro: Create elements - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Challenge intro: Create elements

- [Instructor] In this challenge, you'll create new DOM elements and populate them with content, specifically a navigation menu with a list of links. In the challenge code, an existing DOM has been set up for you, but it's happening behind the scenes, so you can't get direct access to it in the browser and take a look at it. That DOM contains a header element with the class siteheader and that's where you'll append the new menu. You also have a JavaScript template literal containing list items that will be used in the navigation menu. So you can just append this list of items into an unordered list as you go along. Your task is to add the list items to an unordered list, then add the unordered list to a nav container. Then give the nav container the class .main-navigation and finally append the new nav container to the existing element with the class .siteheader. The final HTML of your nav element should follow…
