From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Typical DOM events

Typical DOM events

- [Narrator] Everything that happens in the browser is an event. Opening the browser is an event, visiting a URL is an event, moving your mouse or clicking it or touching your screen is an event, scrolling is an event, clicking the back and forth buttons in the browser or reloading the document or hitting a key on your keyboard, anything and everything that happens in the browser is an event. And with JavaScript, we can listen for those events then capture them when they happen and do stuff when they are triggered. You can get a full breakdown of all available events in the MDN Event reference. Scrolling down this page you'll realize there are a lot of events you can monitor and any of these events can be monitored and when they are triggered you can do whatever you want as a result. Let me give you a basic example of what I'm talking about. In exercise files for this movie I've set up this very well designed web…
