From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Tools for working with JavaScript

Tools for working with JavaScript - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Tools for working with JavaScript

- [Instructor] To work effectively with JavaScript, you need a couple of tools on hand on your computer. First of all, you need a modern browser and ideally you want to install all the browsers that are available for your operating system, but you should pick one as your primary browser. Throughout this course, I'll be using Chrome. You can also use Firefox or Edge. They will pretty much work the same way. Second, you need a code editor. Again, here, you can choose whatever tool fits, your particular work environment. The industry standard is quickly becoming VS Code. It's free and you can download it off the web, but you can also use any other code editor. The key here is to find a code editor that will highlight your code as you work with it. For efficiency and for everything to work properly, the code editor needs some form of live server environment. So this essentially is an application that sits on your code editor that…
