From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Practice: Build a new object

Practice: Build a new object - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Practice: Build a new object

- Throughout this course, I've created rest areas for you to get hands on practice and immediately engage with and apply what you've learned. Really, go ahead and pause this video to complete these practice assignments. These are not challenges or assessments. There are opportunities for you to play around with your new found knowledge and see what you can do. You'll find the exercise files for all the practices under the practice folder. This is your first practice assignment. Based on what you've learned so far, I want you to take some objects from your life, anything within reach really, and turn them into JavaScript objects. Give each object an identifiable name, create properties that describe the objects and set their values. Maybe find a box or bag or some other object that has another object inside and create a nested object. And finally test your objects in the browser console by accessing the entire object and…
