From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Looping through content

Looping through content

- [Instructor] JavaScript gives us several different statements and methods for repeating a process over and over or looping through arrays and nested objects. Common to all of them is we first specify under what conditions the loop or iteration should run in the statement declaration. And then we specify what should happen at each iteration in the body of the statement. Let's look at some of the most common and useful iteration statements for arrays and objects. In the exercise files for this movie I've set up an array called stuff that has some items in it and a nested object called nested objects. That is an object with a bunch of nested objects inside it named item one, two, three, and so on. Now I want to loop through each of them and display that in the browser over on the right hand side, scrolling down, all we're doing is grabbing the article in the page then creating a URL and then using different loops to…
