From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Linting and formatting

Linting and formatting

- [Instructor] Take it from me, the dyslectic coder. Writing code without any errors is not easy. And writing code that is consistently formatted so all indentations are the same and the code conventions and guides are followed correctly is also not easy. To help with all of this, your code editor has a bunch of useful tools built in including automatic syntax highlighting, which is what you see if I open a file here. The color coding that indicates the different types of content that are in this file. And other features like automagically cleaning up your indentation and so on. To help us write cleanly formatted code without too many errors, we can also add to the functionality of the code editor using extensions. In this example, we'll add in two new extensions. ESLint and Prettier. And you can install them both directly from Inside VS Code by going to the extensions option just searching for ESLint and installing it…
