From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Learning JavaScript backward

Learning JavaScript backward - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Learning JavaScript backward

- When you learn JavaScript for the first time you typically start with the basics, variables then functions, then more advanced subjects. But, due to the popularity of JavaScript frameworks, like React and View, today the first introduction people have to JavaScript is often through advanced objects and methods. For this reason, I've chosen to turn our course on its head. We'll start with objects and methods, then look at other data types and the DOM, and finally cover methods, functions, and events at the very end. This means, as we make our way through the course, I'll often introduce and use concepts before I fully cover them, so you see them in the real context first and then learn the basics later. And there's a good reason for this. Learning JavaScript requires not just understanding the basic premises and shapes and formulas of the code. To really learn this language, you need to find ways of making it…
