From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Inline style

Inline style

- [Instructor] If an element has inline styles meaning there are CSS declarations in the element itself that inline CSS is stored in the style property of the elements, and we can access it as a regular property in the exercise files for this movie I've added an inline style to the site title. You see it here. We have a div class site title style, color black. I can now lift out that style information using the style property on that element. Now, what I get in return here is a CSS style declaration which is a list of all the available possible style properties that could be applied. And then a specification of which ones are actually applied. So here you can see color property applied. And if I scroll way down on this list here let's see all the way down here. You see color is at the black. So this is not the most useful list possible but it does indicate what we can use this for. Because what you're seeing here is…
