From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Get to know the browser console

Get to know the browser console - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Get to know the browser console

- [Instructor] The browser console is the JavaScript developers' best friend, alongside the code editor and linting tools and automation tools. And, okay, so the JavaScript developer has a lot of best friends, and the browser console is one of them. When you write JavaScript, you work in a code editor. The problem is, the JavaScript doesn't run in the code editor, it runs in the browser. So you need some way of interacting with the JavaScript directly inside the browser. And that's what the console is for. Just like when you work with HTML and CSS, you can open the developer tools and mess with the HTML or change the CSS in some way, and see what happens right away in the browser. Console is the exact same thing, but for Java script. Let me show you how it works. Go to VSCode and go to the exercise files for this movie, 01_05. And you'll see, there's a file here called scriptjs that has some JavaScript in it. We're…
