From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Accessing objects

Accessing objects

- [Narrator] In the real world, if you want someone to hand you something you mentioned it by name. So you say, hey, can you hand me that backpack, please? The same thing goes for JavaScript. Anytime you want to access an object or anything else contained inside a variable you simply call it by its name and JavaScript will hand it to you. In the exercise files for this movie there is an object with the name backpack. If you go over to the console you can call that object by simply naming it directly. So if I type in backpack here and hit return I get the entire object and I can then dig deeper into it to see what's going on. So here I can see all the properties and the methods and I can even open the methods to see what they contain. It works the same way in JavaScript. So let's say you want to output this object in its entirety in the console for reference and do so automatically so you don't have to go into the…
