From the course: Java Persistence with JPA and Hibernate

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- [Instructor] Congratulations on completing the course. Now you have comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience working with Java Persistence using Jakarta Persistence and Hibernate. I hope you'll continue with your learning journey and expand your practical knowledge of Java Persistence, as well as Hibernate and other ORM frameworks. Here are some tips that will help you do this. Practice the core concepts that you learned in this course. Build your own simple Java application to implement those concepts. Follow the official website of Hibernate,, to stay current with new developments in Hibernate. Subscribe to newsletters that cover ORM topics, and join online communities and forums to enhance your knowledge. Experiment and compare different OR frameworks, like EclipseLink, Apache OpenJPA, and MyBatis. And of course, don't forget to look out for more courses on Java Persistence and object-relational mapping frameworks here on LinkedIn learning. I hope you enjoyed…
