From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Technology overview

Technology overview

- We've now come to our final component, technology. Often I here companies say, "You really just need good technology and everything will be fine." Well, that's just simply not the case. So many new managers buy into that way of thinking. I'm here to share that PPT is in this order for a reason. Technology should be the last factor. Why is technology the last in the people, process, and technology discussion? Does technology not generate value? Is it not important? Well of course it's crucial, but we have to develop our people and build our processes to determine how both components will be utilizing technology to enable the business. The goal of this video is to give us an overview of the technology that can be utilized in a service desk. When help desks came into formal existence in the 1980s, the technology we used varied from organization to organization. And by today's standards, seems really archaic. So, what did we have in the 1980s? Phones, desktop computers, pen, and paper…
