From the course: ISO 27001:2022-Compliant Cybersecurity: Getting Started

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ISO 27001 compliance and certification

ISO 27001 compliance and certification

- [Instructor] This course is about doing what it takes for your organization to comply with ISO 27,001, but your organization can also be certified as ISO 27,001 compliant. In this video, I'll show you the difference between ISO 27001 compliance and certification. To be compliant, your organization must follow all the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard. How do you know that you're compliant? There are a couple of ways. You can take this course and learn what the requirements are and implement a plan to make sure your organization complies with them, and you can hire a third party security or auditing firm to review your security program and confirm that your organization complies with ISO 27001. The benefit of using a third party is it's more objective, because a third party isn't going to give you credit for being almost there. If you're trying to improve your organization's security program and not…
