From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Network traffic

Network traffic

- [Instructor] We can categorize network traffic in different ways depending upon its pattern, direction, and purpose. This classification helps us understand, manage, and secure the flow of data across networks. Let's explore the different ways that we can classify network traffic. First, we'll look at four categories of network traffic that describe it based upon who is communicating. Unicast traffic is the cornerstone of network communication. It's a one-to-one interaction where data packets are sent from a single source to a single destination. Most online activities such as browsing a website or sending an email use unicast traffic. Broadcast traffic in contrast, involves a one to all approach. Here, data is sent from a single source to all possible recipients within a network segment. This method is particularly useful for network wide announcements or configuration protocols, such as finding devices on a network using the dynamic host configuration protocol, or DHCP. Multicast…
