From the course: iPhone Photography: Capturing and Editing Raw Photos

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What are RAW files?

What are RAW files?

- Before we go into capture, let's take a moment to discuss what exactly is a RAW file? When we say RAW files, what we really mean is the raw data from the camera sensor put into a container. So effectively, everything the phone sees, you get access to. This is great because it means that things like exposure are not permanently set. It's much easier to adjust, as well as work with things like the dynamic range. And even more importantly, options like color, white balance are not baked in, so it's easier to fix problematic areas. When we shoot RAW on an iPhone, we're typically going to a DNG file. This is going to be the actual file type, Digital Negative. But even within that, there's lots of options. The iPhone itself has the capability of shooting to Apple Pro RAW DNG files. If you're using something like Lightroom, you could be shooting an HDR DNG file, which is multiple images stitched together for more dynamic…
