From the course: iPhone Photography: Capturing and Editing Raw Photos

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Using Adobe Lightroom mobile to capture RAW images

Using Adobe Lightroom mobile to capture RAW images

From the course: iPhone Photography: Capturing and Editing Raw Photos

Using Adobe Lightroom mobile to capture RAW images

- If you're used to using Adobe to process your raw images, Adobe Lightroom offers a very versatile mobile app that will actually sync with your Lightroom library. It's pretty cool because it means that the images that you capture can be available right in Lightroom. You can also export or share them directly. Let's go ahead and launch the app. Now, you don't have to be a Lightroom subscriber to take advantage of the app. But if you want to get all of the features and the ability to sync to the cloud, you're going to want to be an Adobe subscriber of some sort. Now, with the app itself, it's pretty straightforward. Let's exit the camera here for a moment. And what you might see is all of the images that you've captured or your mobile library, depending upon how you're using this. Now you can see here that I have some raw files that I took advantage of to definitely capture images at a lavender farm with my family. And we…
