From the course: iPhone Photography: Capturing and Editing Raw Photos

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Editing RAW files with Luminar AI

Editing RAW files with Luminar AI

- When you hand off a file from DNG to other applications, the way that it's interpreted can be handled differently. I want to show you two different types of Raw files being opened up in Luminar AI. To start, I have one that was shot with the Apple ProRAW format. Now, by default, it's going to interpret a little bit darker. That's because Apple ProRAW needs a correct profile interpreted. What you could do here is you could take a look at different profiles and access those on your system, or even load one from the DNG file. This can be useful if you want to go ahead and load the profile itself, or you could choose to load the profile from the DNG file. In this case, I'm going to access the file itself and open it. Now you see, this is the default profile that's recognized and built in, but all the information is still actually there. When you start to open up the exposure, all that detail comes back and you still…
