From the course: IoT Product Security

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Device ownership

Device ownership

Hi, I'm Matthew Clark. And this is Lesson 6.7: Device Ownership. In this lesson, we'll take a look at device ownership and IoTSF recommended controls. So let's get started. Changing ownership of a device can be fraught with challenges. Every time a device moves from one owner to another, a change of ownership event occurs, which changes the threat environment for both the previous owner and the new owner. And there's many ways that this can happen. Maybe you bought a used device off of Facebook marketplace or maybe you sold your old phone to a friend, or maybe you traded an unused USB drive for something else, or maybe you just gave it away. Recently, my mother-in-law just handed me her old laptop. She didn't want it or need it any longer. Well, there's no password on it. And when I opened it up, the applications and web pages and documents, they were all still open. And it was my mother in law's laptop. But it's indicative of how consumers treat electronics. Remember the University…
