From the course: Introduction to Web APIs

What you should know - REST Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Web APIs

What you should know

- [Instructor] This course provides a beginner level introduction to APIs but it's not an introduction to web development. So to get the most out of this course, you should already be comfortable with basic web development technologies. I'm assuming you're already familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I'm also assuming you're comfortable writing code in a text editor and using the browser developer tools to inspect code. You certainly don't have to be an expert, but you should have experience creating your own simple websites. Some knowledge of object-oriented programming can be helpful but if you aren't familiar with it, don't worry. We'll cover it at a basic level just in so much as it's needed for working with APIs in this course. For those JavaScript developers out there, we won't be using much of ES6 syntax in this course. Specifically, we'll use var instead of let and const for variables, and we won't use arrow functions. The aim of this course is to be as accessible and helpful as possible for people at all levels and the focus of this course is on APIs, not JavaScript. I'll be using Visual Studio Code is my text editor but you're welcome to use any text editor or IDU you like and I'll be using Chrome as my browser and work in the Chrome developer tools, but you're also free to use whatever browser you feel most comfortable with.
