From the course: Introduction to Web APIs

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Solution: Display data on a webpage

Solution: Display data on a webpage - REST Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Web APIs

Solution: Display data on a webpage

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Okay, I hope you had some fun with the challenge. Let's look at how I would handle this. First, we need to get the price data from our API. So I'm going to create a variable for that and call it var price, and that's equal to JSON data. And then in brackets are items variable. So we get each item. And then the property is price. Next, we want to create an HTML element for this price. So I'm going to call this priceElement. And that's going to be equal to document.createElement. And for this element, we'll create an H6. That should be good to show the price and in pretty small font. Next, we need to add the price data to this price element. So priceElement.innerHTML, and that's going to be equal to price. Finally, we want to add this to the page. So document.body.appendChild, and we want to add the price element. Great. So now we've added this to the page. The last thing we wanted to…
