From the course: Introduction to Video Color Correction

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Using automatic color correction

Using automatic color correction

- [Instructor] We've been discussing the phases of manual color correction as we manipulate an image's contrast in color. Well, many software contained automatic color correction methods, which also correct an image's contrast in color. With auto color correction, there are two basic ways that adjustments are made. One is based on contrast, which means that black and white levels are set, based on what the software deems to be the darkest and lightest parts of the image. And the other is based on color balance, where it measures the levels of red, green and blue in the image and then tries to remove those obvious color casts. Automatic methods are often great ways to get a good headstart on the color correction process. But many times, you'll need to manually tweak things a little further. Let's talk about why this is. First, I want to look at contrast. Here's the luma waveform scope. When the software auto-corrects,…
