From the course: Introduction to Video Color Correction

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Correcting overexposed video

Correcting overexposed video

- [Female Host] Let's now work on correcting some overexposed footage. All right, so Lina is outside, it's sunny, the camera's letting in way too much light. We have a lot to fix here. I'm going to start in my basic correction category. And if you take a look here in the Luma Waveform you can see that the values that correspond to her shirt here, are all clumped together around a 100. All right. So we need to see if these values are clipped. If we actually have lost information here or if we bring it down, do we get any detail back? So I'm going to bring my whites down, and as I do you can see that we're getting detailed back in her shirt. All right. So we have that information back, which is great. And I think I'm going to let this rest maybe right around 90 or so for now, that feels right to me. Now let's take a look at the blacks. We've got everything above zero, so let's get some nice contrast back into this image.…
