From the course: Introduction to Video Color Correction

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Applying color matches

Applying color matches

- [Instructor] Let's talk about how to perform shot to shot correction. All right, so I have a sequence here, and I've already corrected each shot in isolation. Here's the before and after, and the before and after. So the shots are in better shape than when I got them, but they don't necessarily all feel like they belong to the same scene quite yet, okay, and that's what I want to do now. And the first thing that you want to do is decide how you want them to look. You want to find a representative shot that's going to serve as the inspiration for the rest of the shots. Often that's called a hero shot. And let's say that this is the look that I'm after, okay? So it's a little bit of a cooler shot, and again, that's because I have cooled it down, but that doesn't necessarily have to be the case, all right? So this could naturally be a cooler shot, and I want to match the color scheme against this. And let's assume that…
