From the course: Introduction to Photography

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Working the shot

Working the shot

- I have to fess up, I was kind of nervous during that last movie, because the whole time we were standing there I was thinking, "Oh gosh, there's this thing behind me "that I really want to shoot "and the light's probably changing." Fortunately we finished, so now here I am, I'm facing these great trees with these wonderful shadows. I want to approach this just as a big piece of beautiful repetitive geometry that I want to compose around. Now I could try to stand here and figure out where the best shot is and go to that location and take that picture and then go home, except that that's not how photography works. You, no one can shoot that way. You get the shot you want by working your subject. You move around, you take lots and lots of photos. I cannot stress this enough. In workshops the piece of advice I almost always give when I'm critiquing someone's images is we needed a couple more shots, we needed to see more around that angle, or we needed to see more from above. You don't…
