From the course: Introduction to Photography

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Understanding the essentials of camera configuration

Understanding the essentials of camera configuration

From the course: Introduction to Photography

Understanding the essentials of camera configuration

- It's easy to be intimidated by the huge number of controls and options on your camera. But as you learn more, I expect you'll find that most of these controls and options are for features that you don't even need or want. For example, my camera has a lot of image management features built in. I do all of my image management using my computer because I like having a bigger screen and because the interface is easier. That means I can simply ignore all of those menu items on my camera. Similarly, my camera can perform some image editing and special effects, but again, I prefer to do that on my computer. So, there're a lot of things on your camera that you may not even need to bother learning. As you explore the basis with exposure, you're going to see that there are really only three settings that matter when you're actually taking a picture. Your camera, though, might provide many different ways to alter those same three settings. And which method you choose, will vary depending on…
