From the course: Introduction to Photography

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Understanding output options for photographs

Understanding output options for photographs

From the course: Introduction to Photography

Understanding output options for photographs

- At some point you will have some images that you're ready to put out into the world. In the old days that meant making prints and finding a way to get them in front of people. Printing is still a great way to exhibit images, but nowadays you have many more options. When you're just starting out as a photographer, getting feedback from other people is very important. It's difficult to maintain confidence in your own work without feedback from the outside world. Showing your images to other people will not only give you the chance to feel like you're succeeding with your images, it will also help you understand what people respond to. It's often very surprising to find out which images people like and which they don't and why. Other people's preferences can be very different from your own tastes, and learning what resonates with other people is a great way to improve your own work. Photo sharing and social networking sites are great for this type of feedback, and many photo workflow…
