From the course: Introduction to Photography

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Understanding media

Understanding media

- We've already talked a little bit about storage, and you've heard me say that your image size and compression settings will impact how many images you can fit on a card. You've also heard me yell at you about formatting your card. As I said earlier, storage is cheap so there's no reason not to shoot at the best quality you can and simply carry a bunch of cards. Cards come in different physical formats. Most cameras these days use either compact flash, sometimes referred to as CF cards, or secure digital, which are usually known as SD cards. SD cards come in a micro-format also, which tiny cameras and cell phones often use. Your main concerns when choosing a card are capacity and speed. Buy the largest capacity you can afford and then you won't likely have to worry about cards anymore. As for speed, you don't necessarily have to buy the fastest card available. Remember, media cards like these are not only used for still shooting, they're also used for video recording, audio…
