From the course: Introduction to Photography

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Reviewing other camera controls

Reviewing other camera controls

From the course: Introduction to Photography

Reviewing other camera controls

- There is much left to study regarding exposure, composition, your lens, post-production; a lot of other things. Near the end of this course I'm gonna to outline a series of Lynda courses that you should work through when you're done here. With those courses you'll have the path to a fairly completely photographic education but in the meantime your camera still has a bunch of buttons and dials that we haven't talked about. It seems strange to just ignore them for the rest of this course so I want to give you a quick high level description of these various features and controls. Your camera may be different than this one in terms of how the specific controls work but you're probably gonna find things very similar to what I'm about to show you. There is probably a control on your camera somewhere labeled WB or White Balance. If you don't have an actual button or dial for this then it might be in a control menu of some kind. This is the white balance control which lets you configure the…
