From the course: Introduction to Photography

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Metering and composition

Metering and composition

- So I've got my shot framed up. I have pressed the shutter button and found that focus was correct, and that's where we left off in our last exciting episode. Really building up suspense around this silly flower picture. Anyway, there's something else I need to do before I mash that button down the rest of the way, and that is to double check my shutter speed and aperture. We're not going to talk too much about aperture, actually we're not going to talk at all about aperture in this course, that's a more sophisticated topic that you're going to want to cover in Foundations of Photography: Exposure. But I am going to pay attention to shutter speed, because it's windy out here. The flower is moving around. I want to be sure that I've got a shutter speed that's really going to freeze motion, something really fast. It's bright daylight, so this probably is not an issue, but just to be sure, I'm going to check. Alright, my shutter speed is coming in at one 1600th of a second. That's…
